Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The Christmas Season. The time of year that is called so many names: season of hope, season of miracles, simply THE season, merriest time, Yuletide, etc.

The season, regardless of name, usually begins with the same marked day on the calendar: Black Friday. The day that is circled and crossed out of each calendar. The day that, unless a death wish has been issued, is avoided at all cost.

We get Cast-Only pins!
Here at Disney, however, the Christmas season has already begun. Without pomp and circumstance, without ceremony, without trees lining the streets glittering with crisp snow.

It begins with song.

This Tuesday and Wednesday marked the first Candlelight Processional practices. The large room in the Disney Event Group building was filled with around 150 cast members itching to let loose the vocal pipes. And let me tell you, those pipes were put to use, no matter how rusty they might have been. Just ask the sopranos reaching for the High B.

Young and young at heart both gathered to practice the traditional songs. There were many members that had been part of the cast choir for 15+ years, and then there were those that were new to the experience (and we proudly raised our hands when asked!)

The practice was led by a former Voices of Liberty singer, who is now in charge of the Dapper Dans of Main Street. We worked on songs ranging in styles and languages, all in the name of creating the Christmas feel.

Christmas? In September? You bet!


  1. This makes me so happy!!! There is a chill in the air in Chicago, and as sad as I am to see the weather I love so much go, I know it means the season of wonder and joy is on its way!

  2. OH. So NOW you think pins are cool. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
