Moving back to Orlando was an exciting change. It meant starting a new adventure in life, working for the Big Cheese, and ultimately being in the "happiest place on Earth." Every. Single. Day.
I won't lie. I was nervous. Probably more nervous than I had been the first time I came to Disney last January. I knew the opportunity was limited, so I wanted to take full advantage of it, but not knowing what to expect in the program was daunting.
I missed my friends. And I missed my family. And a 100% surprise factor of who I would share a living space for six months was just short of terrifying. Exciting, but still enough to keep me awake at night wondering.
I moved into the apartment at 8:30 in the morning on Thursday. I think I may have fallen in love with my new roommates by about 8:30 that evening.
There are four of us living in this place we now call home. Four happy voices that share stories from our past and blend them into an exciting future. We all come from different parts of the country, but have an unwavering fascination that will carry us through.
The first roommate is a Pennsylvania native named Dorothy (and yes, the Wizard of Oz jokes have already been set into motion). She is working in the Animal Kingdom with the stars of the park: the animals. Though she has the odd hours of the bunch (she leaves the apartment before 4:30 in the morning!) she is sure to leave adorable messages on the fridge reminding us to have a good day.

Living with Dorothy is the southern sweetheart of the group, Libby. This little munchkin makes dreams come true with Fairy Tale Weddings. She has a constant smile and infectious laugh, but what can really describe her is her fashion icon: Emma Pillsbury from Glee. Not to mention that when asked about her hair poof (the MUCH classier version than that seen on Jersey Shore) she mentioned "the higher hair the closer to heaven!" Another common phrase that can be heard like clockwork is "Oh my Lanta!" Adorable, right?
A magical ride on Splash Mountain |
Last is my own darling roommate, Karen, another dream maker in Fairy Tale Weddings. She is wonderfully amazing beyond words. Karen and I were the first ones to move in, and it was pure luck (and helpful suggestions by our mothers) that we decided to take a room together rather than split off. She provides sage advice from decorating tips, to life conundrums, to wardrobe malfunctions. Karen also has proven to have the unique talent of folding ponchos into nearly impossible sizes. Truly, it is more applicable than any college degree. What is really amazing is that we did not know each other before this program, as we had been on the same College Program together. And lived in the same apartment building. And (wait for it) had been in the same small marketing course. What an example of fate stepping in to see you through!
I am extremely lucky to have such a wonderful family system back home, and now, an amazing start to one here in Orlando. My Ohana keeps growing!
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